E. coli K-12 Enzyme: argininosuccinate synthase

Synonyms: B3172 , ArgG

The subunit structure is not known.

Citations: [ Lemke99 ]

Gene: argG

Subunit composition of argininosuccinate synthase = [ArgG]4

Sequence Length: 447 AAs

Molecular Weight of Polypeptide (from nucleotide sequence): 49.898 kD

GO Terms:
GO:0006526 - arginine biosynthesis ,
GO:0005737 - cytoplasm

MultiFun Terms:
arginine ,

Unification Links: PDB:1K92 , PDB:1K97 , PDB:1KP2 , PDB:1KP3 , RefSeq:NP_417640 , UniProtKB:P0A6E4

Relationship Links: Pfam:IN-FAMILY:PF00764

Gene-Reaction Schematic:

Enzymatic reaction of: argininosuccinate synthase

Synonyms: argininosuccinate synthetase , citrulline-aspartate ligase , L-citrulline:L-aspartate ligase (AMP-forming)

L-aspartate + citrulline + ATP <=> L-arginino-succinate + diphosphate + AMP

The reaction direction shown, that is, A + B <==> C + D versus C + D <==> A + B, is in accordance with the Enzyme Commission system.

This reaction is reversible.

In Pathways: arginine biosynthesis I

Very little is known about this enzyme in E. coli, although it has been crystallized. [ Lemke99 ]

Cofactors: Mg2+


Lemke99: Lemke C, Yeung M, Howell PL (1999). "Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of Escherichia coli argininosuccinate synthetase." Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 1999;55 ( Pt 12);2028-30. PMID: 10666579

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