Oceanobacillus iheyensis


Genome structure
The genome of O. iheyensis is a single circular chromosome consisting of 3,630,528 nt. The entire genome sequence for O. iheyensis has been determined in Japan MSTC sequencing center. There are 3594 genes and 3500 are protein coding with 92 structural RNAs. The genome has 3496 ORFs with 1972 assigned functions. Six new kind of insertion sequences (Iss), IS667 to IS672, a group II intron (Oi.Int), and an incomplete transponson (Tn8521oi) were identified in O.iheyensis. All the new insertion sequences except IS699 made a 4 to 8 bp duplication of the target site sequence. The ISs carried 23 to 28 bp inverted repeats. Most of the ISs and the group II intron are widely distributed throughout the genome and were inserted in noncoding regions. In HTE831 genome there are 19 identified ISs. Seven of these were truncated, showing the occurrence of internal genome rearrangement.

Структура генома.
Геном Oceanobacillus iheyensis представляет собой одну кольцевую хромосому, состоящую из 3,630,528 нуклеотидов. Геномная последовательность была полностью сиквенирована в сиквениционном центре MSTC, в Японии. Всего геном бактерии содержит 3594 гена и информациюю о 3600 белках с 92 структурными РНК. В нем 3496 ORF-участков, для 1972 из которых известны функции.


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